CARNAVALE DE SADE 2, Dec. 3rd, 2004 & CARNAVALE DE SADE 3, Jan. 14th, 2005


By far the highlight of the night at the 2nd CARNAVALE DE SADE was the otherworldly performance by the Aesthetic Meat Foundation, spearheaded by Louis from AMF Korsets.
To even begin to try describing this show would be to describe the movie Hellraiser to a tribesman in the Kalahari.  To say it was beyond words really is not exaggerating -- would you say it was inspiring?  Shocking?  Incredible?  Frightening?  Sexy?  Entertaining?  Excessive?  Poignant?  Unique?  ANY of these words could fit no matter how contrary they seem!  It is a fair assumption that NO ONE in the audience had ever seen anything quite like it, and to describe how the show culminated first with audience participation by way of percussion sticks distributed throughout, and then by way of, er, shall we say a more involved level of that point all we can say is you Just had To Be There because nothing we can write here is going to convey it.  It ROCKED.






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